Maple Ridge families:
Please invite any family members, neighbors, or friends who are active duty service members or veterans to come to our short program at 9:45 on Monday.

Even Santa showed up to our Maple Ridge Halloween parade! If you missed our Halloween parade, visit our school website under "NEWS" for a link to watch it. Thanks to all who helped make Halloween at Maple Ridge so fun! @maple_ridge_elementary_PTA

More Halloween pictures!

More Halloween fun at Maple Ridge! @maple_ridge_elementary_PTA

More Maple Ridge Halloween celebrations!

More Halloween fun at Maple Ridge!

More Maple Ridge Halloween Fun! @maple_ridge_elementary_PTA

We had so much fun today! Maple Ridge Halloween 2024

Any likeness to real life at Maple Ridge is coincidental. :)

Maple Ridge Student Council members helped the PTA by hanging up all of the Red Ribbon Week Pledges after school on Monday!

Mrs. Berglund’s fourth graders shared facts about knights to Mrs.Kruse’s fifth graders . Fourth grade is finishing their CKLA unit on the Middle Ages and the fifth grade will be starting a unit on Don Quixote.

We are looking forward to our Halloween parade which will begin promptly at 9:30 on Thursday morning. Parents should be outside around the building keeping the sidewalks clear for students to walk.

Mapleton Youth City Council is sponsoring a food drive. See the flyer for details.

As part of their study on events that led up to the American Revolution, Maple Ridge fifth graders learned about the Quartering Act as British soldiers occupied their chairs!

A big thank you to Harward Farms who brought a pumpkin for every Maple Ridge student last week! We are so grateful to have such supportive businesses in our community!

Maple Ridge fifth grade students were invited to see "The Magician's Elephant" at the Hale Center Theater in Sandy. Students dressed up to attend and both teachers and students had an amazing time! Thanks to Mrs. Jensen for arranging the field trip and to Mrs. Westercamp, Mrs. Schmidt, Ms. Paynter and Mrs. Sonntag for helping us chaperone.

It was an exciting day at Maple Ridge! Minky Couture surprised our students by giving them each a fuzzy, warm robe. It was like Christmas in October! Thank you Minky Couture for such a thoughtful and amazing gift! @maple_ridge_elementary_pta

Mrs. Spencer, one of our second grade teachers, was recently awarded a grant from the Nebo Foundation to purchase magnetic pocket charts to use in her classroom.

This is a reminder that Fall Break is just around the corner! Oct. 17-18 with a P/C comp day on Monday, Oct. 21st.

Do you have a Bucket List? Do you want to start one or need help achieving yours? Check out our new Bucket List episode of the Finding Nebo Podcast. https://www.nebo.edu/news/4700
We want everyone to achieve their dreams and this is the place to start. Send us your bucket list item today and we will help you try to fulfill it!