Christmas at Maple Ridge Part 3.
about 2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Mrs. Jackson reading a Christmas story to students.
Students participating in a Christmas party.
Second grade students listening to a Christmas story.
Mrs. Seoane with the Grinch.
Mrs. Seoane's Class with the Grinch.
Mrs. Porter's class with the Grinch.
Mrs. Rasmussen's class sitting in their seats when the Grinch comes to visit.
Mrs. Rasmussen's class with the Grinch.
Maple Ridge Christmas Choir.
Student holding up their picture of the Grinch.
Christmas at Maple Ridge Part 2.
about 2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Students at their table during a Christmas party.
Students at their table during a Christmas party.
Students at their table during a Christmas party.
A student and her mom during a Christmas party.
Students posing during a Christmas party.
Students working on a holiday assignment.
Students working on a holiday assignment.
Students working on a holiday assignment.
Science lesson--Grow the Grinch's heart.
Mrs. Curby's class with the Grinch.
Christmas at Maple Ridge Part 1
about 2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Students in Mrs. Barlow's holding up a Christmas writing assignment.
Mrs. Barlow's class letters from Santa.
Mrs. Barlow's students reading letters from Santa.
Students reading letters from Santa.
Students reading letters from Santa.
Students in Mrs. Couey's working on holiday math.
Mrs. Couey's holiday math.
Mrs. Couey's holiday math.
Mrs. Couey's Christmas party.
Students working on holiday themed assignments.
Some of our cute second graders during December!
about 2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Students showing their gingerbread creations.
Students posing in front of a gingerbread house.
Montage of students posing in front of gingerbread house and playing holiday games.
Many of our students participated in our Maple Ridge choir this year. They did an AMAZING job and brought the Christmas spirit to our school. A big thank you to Mrs. Couey, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Berbert, Ms. Jordan, Ms. Spencer, and Mrs. Southam for leading the choir and practicing each week with them! @maple_ridge_elementary_pta
about 2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Maple Ridge students listening to the choir sing.
Maple Ridge students listening to the choir sing.
Maple Ridge students listening to the choir sing.
Maple Ridge students listening to the choir sing.
Maple Ridge students listening to the choir sing.
Maple Ridge students enjoyed visits from the Maple Mountain High School band and choir this holiday season. Thank you to these high school students who came and shared their talents with us! @maple_ridge_elementary_pta @mmhs_goldeneagles @mmhs.choirs
about 2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Maple Mountain Choir singing.
Maple Mountain Choir singing.
Maple Mountain Choir singing.
Maple Mountain Choir singing.
Maple Mountain Choir singing.
Maple Mountain Band playing for students.
Maple Mountain Band playing for students.
Maple Mountain Band playing for students.
Maple Mountain Band playing for students.
Don't forget...Friday is an extra early out day. School is out at noon.
2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary PTA
school out at noon on December 20th
Third grade students at Maple Ridge were visited by a member of the Springville Rotary who generously donated a dictionary to each one of our third graders. Thank you to the Springville Rotary for such an awesome donation.
2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Third graders with their dictionaries.
Congratulations to these students for being chosen as Students of the Month for November. They were recognized for being thankful. (Not pictured: Cumorah Hansen, Beau Scarbrough, Eleanor Wright)
2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Students of the Month for November holding their certificates.
Congratulations to Maple Ridge 4th Grader, Jovie Bowen. She was the 3rd place winner in the Nebo School District Christmas card contest. Seth Sorenson from the district office came and presented Jovie with a cash prize. Congratulations Jovie!
2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Seth Sorenson presenting Jovie Bowen with a cash prize.
Jovie Bown with Assistant Principal, Sydney Sharp and Seth Sorenson from the Nebo School District office.
Our 5th graders recently had their wax museum. Each student researched someone famous and wrote a speech explaining their accomplishments and dressed up like their person. Parents and students were able to visit the 5th grade classrooms and hear the speeches. Well done 5th graders! We are impressed by all your hard work!
2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
Students dressed up as their famous person and presenting their speech to other students and parents.
It has been a tradition for us to honor our dear Maple Ridge friends, the Carr Family and their dad Nate, by holding a food drive during the holidays. The food bank is especially in need of the following items: canned meat, canned or boxed meals, peanut butter, canned beans, canned vegetables and fruits, shelf stable milk, cereal, pasta, rice. All items are greatly appreciated but the food bank especially appreciates healthy options that are low fat, low sodium, gluten free, packed in water, packed in 100% juice, and whole grains. Thanks for donating!
2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Food drive at Maple Ridge to honor Nate Carr. Drop off donations to Maple Ridge. They will be donated to Community Action & Services in Provo.
Maple Ridge Choir Concert is Wednesday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. See the flyer for more details.
2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Maple Ridge Choir Concert. Wednesday, Dec. 11th at 6:00 p.m. Singers should arrive at 5:15 and dress in a white shirt with black or jean pants.
Students who have been participating in choir will be performing for parents on Wednesday, December 11, at 6:00 p.m.
2 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Choir Concert, December 11, 6:00 pm.
If you need an idea for a gift for your teacher for Christmas, the PTA is sponsoring "Wish Upon a Star". Trees are hanging outside the teachers' doors and stars include things off of their wish list for their classroom. If you would like to, you can take a star off of the teacher's tree to provide that item for the classroom. We are grateful for such a supportive PTA and generous parents! @maple_ridge_elementary_PTA
3 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
PTA Wish Upon a Star for teachers this Christmas. Take a star off the tree by your teacher's door if you would like some ideas for a gift for them this holiday season. Sponsored by the Maple Ridge PTA.
Before the Thanksgiving Break, Maple Ridge students enjoyed our annual "Gobble Off" competition. One person from each class was chosen to gobble on the intercom and the students listening voted for their favorites. Our winners were: Milo Machado, Steele Hansen, and Edgar Carreno. They each won a turkey to take home and share with their families, Stratton Briggs and Quinn Bowen were runners up and won amazing turkey hats! We had a great time. We are thankful for all our Maple Ridge students!
3 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Student winners with their turkeys or turkey hats.
Group of students who participated in the Gobble Off.
The office staff dressed up as pilgrims and a turkey.
We had a great night at Culver's this week. Thanks to everyone who came to support, for the PTA who arranged everything and the cute kids who helped serve!
3 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
A student helping serve food at Culvers in Spanish Fork.
A student helping serve food at Culvers in Spanish Fork.
These cute first graders in Mrs. Williams' class finished their unit learning about Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. They also learned about Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They made pharaoh headdresses, created gods with animal heads and labeled them with hieroglyphics. They also made menorahs, nativities and the five pillars of Islam. We are learning so many cool things this year!
3 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
First graders learning about different world religions.
First graders learning about different world religions.
First graders learning about different world religions.
First graders learning about different world religions.
Mrs. Williams' first graders wearing their pharaoh headdresses.
Congratulations to these students for being recognized as Students of the Month! These students were recognized for being supportive. We are proud of them! (Not pictured: Bronson Burgon, Gwen Kingsford, Hudson Nielsen, Dylan Maciel & Parker Machen)
3 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Students holding up their Student of the Month certificates.
Congratulations to Mrs. Schmidt for being the Crystal Apple Award winner for Maple Ridge this year. Mrs. Schmidt is one of our special education teachers. She is super knowledgeable and works hard to make sure all of our students receive the support they need to be successful. She supports teachers not only with academic instruction but with behavior interventions as well when needed. The best thing about Mrs. Schmidt is how much she loves and cares for her students. We love you, Vanessa! Thank you for all you do to make Maple Ridge such a great place to be.
3 months ago, Maple Ridge Elementary
Mrs. Schmidt with her certificate and crystal apple award.
Mr. Harvey presenting Vanessa Schmidt with the Crystal Apple Award.